Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Doctor

Meet my husband The Doctor!  On Friday Aaron completed is Ph. D.  He had his defense in the afternoon then we had a party with friends and family that evening.  We had a great time and I wish we took more pictures but after the whole busy, exciting day we only ended up with a couple taken at the very end of the night.  Oh well.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Corona del Mar Beach

Sunday we went to the beach.  The weather was perfect and we all had a great time.  Aaron and I love going to the beach in winter and spring when the weather is nice and the beaches are almost empty.  When we were dating we used to go to this beach all the time and even got engaged there so it brought back a lot of really fun memories.  It was cool to be there with Jack and think about how different our lives are now.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Disney Crazy

This past week we have been to Disneyland 3 times.  A little overboard maybe but it was my nieces birthday and this was her present.

Birthday Girl.
Jack loves his cousin!  He gets a long better with her than any other kid I've seen him play with.  They tell made up jokes to each other and laugh and laugh.  It's great.
Learning to surf from Dad.

Jack loves the carousel.

Giving it a try!

So, I think I'll give this whole blogging thing a try.  I've been considering it for awhile but was feeling a little chicken.  Now with all the many changes coming up in our lives (i.e. new baby, new job, PhD, and moving, just for starters) I think it will be nice to have a journal of our lives.  So here goes!